I will do B2B Lead Generation and Prospect List Building

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Looking for targeted B2B leads or Email addresses of business owners?

I can provide you with data on targeted businesses and companies in your preferred location/state.

I have over 08 years of proficiency in the following areas: –
➤ B2b Lead Generation
➤ email list building
➤ Linkedin Lead generation
➤ Targeted lead generation
➤ Lead list building
➤ Data entry
➤ Data collection

I will provide you data in the following format: –
➤ Company name/Business Name
➤ Complete Address
➤ Website
➤ Contact Person First Name /Last Name
➤ Designation
➤ Contact Email (100% Verified)
➤ Phone Number
➤ Revenue of the Company (If needed)
➤ Number of Employees (If needed)

I’m here to talk about the project and help you choose a plan that works for you. I’m still open to a short test for the long-term project.

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Basic, Standard, Premium


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1000 Targeted Prospects/Leads I will do the web research and build 1000 leads database.

✔ 1000 Leads Included
✔ 40 Hours of Work
✔ Formatting & Clean Up

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